Winning Team - <b>From left back row</b>Miranda Scheitzach (Captain), Victoria Ballena, <b>Next Row from Back</b>,Caricha Coloma, Veronica Ballena, Becky Pham, <b>Middle Row Back</b>,Leah Owen, Lynn Anderson (Co-Captain) <b>Next Row from Back</b> Jennifer Baarley, Meagan Newman Anna Duong (Co-Captain) <b>Last Row from Back</b> Nalani Newman Jessica Brouillet. <b>Other members of the team:</b>Samantha Bradley,Danielle Knake,Pa Lor, Andrea Pacunski, Alisa Sharma, Taylar White, Kristina Grohs (Coach), Marge Bradley (Coach)
Twenty four Dance and Drill teams competed for top honors last Saturday, November 10th at the Lake Washington Dance and Drill Competition. Eleven teams competed in the drill category in the first event of the season. The Mount Rainier H.S. Drill Team took home the 1st place trophy for their outstanding performance in the drill category. The team started off their season setting the bar high and they rose to the occasion. Many hours of practices and perfecting routines were required to take the trophy home.