As The King County Council and King County Metro Transit are proposing fare increases in 2008, the need to adjust the boundary lines between Peak Hours Zones is also warranted.
For some 20-plus years Metro has unfairly charged residents of the Southend bus areas for 2-Zone peak hour rates while residents of the Northend, riding a farther distance, are only charged with a 1-Zone Peak hour fare.
With the upcoming 2008 legislation to increase Metro Transit fares, said legislation should address the unbalance in Peak Hours Zoning areas and correct the traveled distances (from downtown Seattle) such that these distances are equal for all riders.
The current Peak Hours Zone boundaries in the Southend are very confusing to passengers and drivers alike.
One proposal that he County Council should seriously consider is the complete removal of all Peak Hours Zones. This was done for Off Peak hours several years ago and has been successful for both riders and drivers.
As all drivers will tell you, fares are at the top of the customer vs. driver, problems.
Proposed legislation can help to correct some of the disputes by including language which fairly addresses fares for all passengers of King County Metro Transit.
Let's be Fair on Fares!
Howard Briggie