The annual Community Food and Toy Drive for Des Moines and Federal Way is now in high gear, and South King Fire and Rescue is asking for the public's generosity once again.
Donations of canned goods, non-perishable (dry) food items and new, unwrapped toys (no stuffed animals, please) will be accepted at each fire station from now, through Dec. 12.
Donations of cash or checks made out to the "Community Food and Toy Drive" will also be collected.
Delivery of food and toys to needy families is set for Dec. 20-21.
The Community Food and Toy Drive started in the 1960s and helped about 25 families. In 2006, a Christmas Dinner with all the trimmings and a week's supply of food to was given to 115 families with presents for 426 children.
Local service clubs, schools, private businesses, neighborhood groups and individuals contribute to the success of this food and toy drive.
"Without the community's support and generosity, we wouldn't be able to provide for those families truly in need of a bright Christmas," said Kevin Crossen, Food and Toy Drive Committee coordinator.