A special thanks to all of the businesses, groups and individuals who donated so generously to the White Center Food Bank for the Thanksgiving distribution.
We are especially grateful to Discount Tire Company for their donation which allowed the purchase of whole turkeys to give to larger families.
The White Center Food Bank served 579 families made up of 2,149 individuals. These families were provided all of the trimmings for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. This wouldn't have been possible without the extra holiday food donations from regular food donors and the community at large.
We are also grateful to the volunteers who gave countless hours of their time to serve the clients for these special holiday distributions. The community's continued support would be greatly appreciated as the Food Bank prepares for the Winter Holiday Distribution which will occur between Dec. 19 and 21.
To learn more about how to help, please contact the White Center Food Bank at 762-2848 or wcfb@drizzle.com. For more information on the White Center Food Bank, see the website at www.whitecenterfoodbank.org.
Richard A. Jump
Executive Director
White Center Food Bank