After all the biased and misinformed articles running in the P.I., it was a pleasure to read your article, a much more balanced report.
No one ever prints anything good about the river. Chinook salmon return in greater numbers to the Duwamish River than any other river in Puget Sound. Maybe what the other rivers need is a little industry; the fish certainly seem to like it.
No one ever prints that there are stretches of the river that are not polluted. Most articles mislead the readers into thinking that it is a 5 mile polluted mess with no parts untouched by the pollution. They give the impression that "industry" used as an all-encompassing term is the problem. No one every prints that 80,000 jobs are generated by the industries in the Duwamish or that industry pays a sizeable part of the taxes to the city.
At least your article identified the worst polluters and only Boeing is a private industry. The others, the Port of Seattle and the City of Seattle, are governmental organizations.
Thank you for taking a more unbiased view and reporting it in that manner.
M. C. Halvorsen
West Seattle