How your legislators voted
Mon, 01/28/2008
Authorizing public works board projects. _By a vote of 97 to 0 the House of Representatives approved HB 2437, authorizing public works projects around the State. Of the 52 authorized projects: 10 are domestic water projects totalling $48.8 million; 34 are sanitary sewer projects totalling $187 million; six are road projects totalling $39.8 million; and two are solid waste projects totalling $2.4 million. The funding for these public works projects comes from the Public Works Assistance Account. HB 2437 is now in the Senate Ways and Means Committee.
Reps. Eileen Cody and Sharon Nelson voted yes.
Addressing the regulation of conversion condominiums. The House passed SHB 2014 which considers regulations for the conversion condominiums by a vote of 94 to 3. Originally considered in 2007, SHB 2014 failed to make it to the floor for a vote. SHB 2014 requires that a landlord provided 120 days of notice to tenants that will be affected by the conversion. Also included in this bill are requirements for relocation assistance for low-income tenants and the limiting of interior work on the building during the 120 day notice period. When SHB 2014 was adopted, language allowing local jurisdictions the ability to limit condominium conversions was dropped from the bill.
Reps. Eileen Cody and Sharon Nelson voted yes.
Prohibiting discrimination based on lawful source of income. In 2007, the House passed EHB 1956 by a vote of 72 to 25, which states that discrimination against a person in a rental housing transaction based on their lawful source of income to be unfair. If discrimination is found to have taken place then an administrative law judge may enforce penalties that would be paid to the State Treasury and credited to the general fund. This measure went to the Senate, where no further action was taken. In the 2008 session, the House has again passed EHB by a vote of 63 to 34 and sent it back to the Senate.
Reps. Eileen Cody and Sharon Nelson voted yes.
Expanding financial literacy to promote greater homeownership security._The Senate passed SB 6272 by a vote of 48 to 0, which expands financial literacy through education and counseling to promote greater homeownership security. In this act the Department of Financial Institutions is required to implement two programs. One program is designed to provide greater financial literacy and independences. The other program is related to education and outreach specifically for homeownership. SB 6272 has been referred to the House appropriations Committee.
Sen. Joe McDermott voted yes.
Providing assistance to homeless individuals and families._ESSB 5959 passed the Senate by a vote of 48 to 0, creating the Transitional Housing Operating and Rent (THOR) program within the Department of Community Trade and Economic Development. The THOR program will provide grant funds to eligible organizations to assist homeless individuals and families secure and retain safe, decent and affordable housing. The THOR program is funded through an appropriation of $15 million from the state general fund.
Sen. Joe McDermott voted yes., a free, non-partisan website to find plain-English explanations of bills and a record of each legislator's votes. Visit today.