I am a professional engineer with 40 years of experience in public works implementation including transportation. As a principle of KCM I had an active role in the planning for the West Seattle Bridge. I have driven the viaduct to work downtown for more than 40 years.
I have followed the viaduct project for some time. In fact I was caught in the horrendous traffic snarl after the last earth quake. Just such a mess will occur daily if the viaduct is torn down before an expanded capacity is on-line. Any replacement "in-place" is unthinkable. As a result only a tunnel option is feasible provided it is off right of way of the viaduct. The cost and acceptability of such an option is questionable.
The viable option is to repair the seawall, repair the viaduct and get another 50 years out of it. The lack of past maintenance has been a self-fullfilling prophesy that it would eventually fail thereby making more view property available to developers with no benefit to the public.
To go to another vision, why not do the tunnel and convert the viaduct to the grandest lineal waterfront park in the country? Park on top, parking on lower level, lots of access from First Avenue. What an idea and a very little cost. There is real public benefit.
Richard E. Warren