State Sen. Joe McDermott, D-West Seattle, has introduced legislation to protect and clarify the press rights of high school and college journalists.
McDermott's bill would prohibit unwarranted censorship of student media.
"Gaining experience in real life journalism is an important part of the learning process," McDermott said. "This puts students that much closer to success in their professional careers."
Student media groups believe that censorship has increased since the Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier Supreme Court decision in 1988. A more recent court ruling has also thrown the press rights of college journalists into question. In Washington, 16 organizations have formed the Washington Coalition for Responsible Student Expression to support strengthened student press rights and a free and responsible student press nationwide.
Senate Bill 6449 would allow high school teachers and administrators to review the content of student media in advance, and journalism advisers would still teach to high standards of newsgathering. A school official would also be able to censor content that is libelous, obscene, invades someone's privacy or causes a serious disruption in the school.
The legislation would confirm that student editors determine the content of student media, and would also shield schools from unnecessary lawsuits.