Nothing shows West Seattle and White Center's political stripes like the precinct caucuses, scheduled for this Saturday, Feb. 9. There are 146 precincts in West Seattle and White Center.
Every one is welcome to participate in the party caucuses but participants must declare their party of choice and vote for delegates to represent each precinct at the Republican and Democratic district and county conventions.
It will take 18 locations to accommodate the 34th District's Democrats, but all of the 34th District Repubicans need just one caucus location, the Southwest Community Center.
To find out which precinct you belong to, take a moment to read your voter's registration card. Following are the locations in West Seattle and White Center where Democratic caucuses are scheduled 1 p.m. Saturday. Each location is accompanied by a list of the precincts meeting there.
Alki Elementary School
1420, 1434, 1435, 1436, 1437, 1438, 1439, 1440, 1441
Arbor Heights Elementary School
1257, 1258, 1259, 1530, 1533, 1534, 1535, 1539, 1540, 1541, 1543
Cooper Elementary School
1455, 1493, 1494
Denny Middle School
1519, 1520, 1521, 1522, 1523, 1524, 1532
Gatewood Elementary School
1478, 1479, 1480, 1482, 1499, 1500, 1504, 1506, 1507, 1508, 1509, 1518, 1546, 2501
Highland Park Elementary School
1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1251, 3263, 3264
Lafayette Elementary School
1408, 1409, 1410, 1411, 1412, 1415, 1417, 1418, 1419
Madison Middle School
1416, 1422, 1423, 1431, 1432, 1447, 1448, 1449, 1450, 1458, 1459, 1462, 1463, 1464, 1465, 1466, 1467, 1476, 1477
Mount View Elementary School
Aquaview, Evergreen, Greene, Seaview, Wynona
Sanislo Elementary School
1488, 1489, 1496, 1497, 1498, 1513, 1545
Schmitz Park Elementary School
1421, 1433, 1442, 1443, 1444, 1445, 1446, 1460, 1461
Sealth High School
1510, 1511, 1512, 1514, 1515, 1516, 1517, 1526, 1527, 1528, 3265, 3266
West Seattle Elementary School (formerly High Point Elementary School)
1471, 1472, 1484, 1485, 1486, 1487, 1490, 1501, 1502
West Seattle High School
1413, 1414, 1424, 1425, 1426, 1427, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1451, 1452, 1453, 1456, 1457, 1468, 1469, 1470, 1473, 1474, 3175
White Center Heights Elementary School
1252, 1254, 1255, 1529, 1536, 1537, 1538,
Kingston, Marian, Regal, Sunnywood, White Center