Is there a product or service that has escaped an increase or a new levy of taxation in the form of Registration fees, Certification fees or Renewal fees? If there is one, be sure and tell Sen. Karen Keiser that she missed one that she could sponsor or co-sponsor.
Since signing up to be a subscriber as a result of the passage of Initiative 960 to view the description and costs for the various legislation, it's been enlightening to say the least the depths to which our legislature will go to increase the cost to businesses, and ultimately us, for their delivery of products or services. Whether it be the florist, architect, home furnishing designer or as in SB 5831 that provides for the certification of mechanics performing heating, ventilating, air conditioning, refrigeration and gas piping work at a cost of $12 million dollars over the course of a 10-year period.
Now we all know that Karen was the architect of the Family Leave Program for which they still have not found a source to fund the millions of dollars for this family bonding initiative, which is now applicable to illegal aliens. We are currently the eighth highest taxed state and it appears Karen will not be satisfied until we are Number ONE! One must ask when will enough be enough as this current crop of legislators have turned a $2.0 BILLION DOLLAR SURPLUS into a $2.0 BILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT!
Gary L Kennedy
Des Moines