Thanks from
Mon, 02/25/2008
WestSide Baby
On Feb. 10, WestSide Baby hosted our seventh Annual Benefit Tea at the Jerry Brockey Center at South Seattle Community College.
It was a wonderfully successful event raising crucial funds that can directly benefit families in our own neighborhoods. WestSide Baby partners with our community to provide essential items to local children in need by collecting and distributing diapers, clothing, toys, books and baby equipment.
We hold one major fundraiser every year on a Sunday in February. The model for this event is simple. We keep costs down so that we can direct more of the money raised toward our mission. We rely upon many, many donations and volunteer hours.
As the executive director of WestSide Baby I must humbly thank each and every person who devoted time, raffle items, china, professional skills, food and money to make this the most successful event thus far. Nearly 400 people joined together at the Brockey Center to visit with friends, admire the china, listen to music and to hear about the activities and impact of WestSide Baby.
In addition to each person who attended, there were 14 women who started meeting in August as part of the Tea Committee. Shana Allen, the working mom of two small children, chaired this committee with finesse, skill and humor.
The stage for this event was set early by invitations designed with the volunteered services of the talented Megan Simmons of M.C. Simmons Design. Ann Easton coordinated exciting raffle items from many local sources and attendees contributed more than $2,500 in raffle ticket sales - a record for us!
With the support of Scotti Andrews, 40 women served as table captains meaning they invited friends, family and colleagues to our event and dedicated many hours to registering those individuals, collecting RSVPs and communicating with them all to ensure they occupied the seat reserved for them at the Tea.
With suggestions from our volunteer event designer, Theresa Althauser, Bob Sullivan at the Brockey Center supported our event by allowing us to transform the facility into an intimate cherry blossom filled tea room worthy of the great food and perfectly brewed hot tea they provided. With the organization of the china coordinator, Debbie Reid, 400 cups, saucers and plates were packed up by their owners and arrived at the tea along with many teapots, creamers and sugars. It takes a leap of faith to share your precious items in support of WestSide Baby and it takes time to prepare them before and take them home after.
The impact of this effort not only makes for a pretty room but reminds us all that it takes many different people with many different offerings to support the families we serve. The talented members of Motherfolk provided the perfect background music choosing songs that reminded us that we are the safety net for the families we serve. Even young Sasha Friedrich Spielberg rose to the occasion to play classical violin when our scheduled violinist was caught in the snowy mountain passes.
Betsy Boyer of BMac Production donated many hours prior to the Tea documenting one of the families we serve through the Highline Teen Parent Program and then produced a media presentation that aptly captured how WestSide Baby connects the dots and brings together gently used items for the benefit of children who need them. Several young moms from the Teen Parent Program volunteered at our event selling raffle tickets and 18-year-old Emily even took the podium to share her story.
Finally, we covered all costs of the event through generous sponsorships from over 23 businesses reaching from West Seattle to Normandy Park and all the way to Portland. These sponsors are listed on our Web site and we encourage you to support their businesses. Our mission statement says we "partner with our community."
Between the incredible outpouring through events like our Tea, the more than 60 hours donated every week by our inspiring volunteers and the generous donations of items that we can keep out of landfills and in the hands of children who need them, WestSide Baby served more than 7,000 local children last year! These kids go to school with your kids, these parents stand in line next to you at the grocery store and these families benefit from the commitment of everyone who is a part of WestSide Baby.
Although I cannot mention every name of those who make it possible to do what we do, we recognize we are only as strong as the community that supports us. Thanks so much to all of you!
Nancy Woodland
Executive Director
WestSide Baby
WestSide Baby, in partnership with our community, provides essential items to local children in need by collecting and distributing diapers, clothing, toys and equipment
10032 15th Ave. SW Seattle Washington 98146 (206) 767-1662 (206) 767-1663 fax