Meet Ron Brown - I was perusing the new Fred Meyer store in Midway during the recent Grand Opening, waiting and wandering while Elsbeth was checking out the huge women's wear section where she actually did get lost.
She tried to find her way out but kept going in circles. She is so short she can't see so I will probably tie a helium balloon to her hat next time.
Then I was greeted by Ron Brown. He was by the front entry so I asked if he was a greeter.
He said he was not, but was off duty for a minute or two from his job as lead man in the plumbing department.
He had such a wide smile and waxed eloquent about his employer, his job, and was such a great ambassador for the store I quizzed him a bit.
He said he has always had a positive outlook. From childhood he has been blessed with a natural bright side.
I asked if he has ever had his faith in optimism tested and he said "Never." Even when his wife was driving and was t-boned by a speeder going through a red light five years ago.
They had little liability insurance and the miscreant had none, so the medical bills wiped out their savings. The accident left his beloved wife confined to a wheelchair for five years and she was somewhat bitter for a while whenever she fell down.
He was helpful and sympathetic, but told her she just had to learn from her fall what to do that is necessary to avoid it happening again.
I asked if his sunshiny outlook was based on any religion and he said no. Nothing organized. He loves Mother Nature and feels a higher power exists in trees, birds, the whole great outdoors.
He says nothing ever makes him angry, vengeful, jealous or blue. I was impressed.
He lives in Federal Way. Wow, what a great neighbor he must be.
I say, Ron Brown for President.
Meet Jane Jones
This is one happy lady.
No, she did not win a lottery. She just loves visiting the old neighborhood.
We spotted her and her beaming face at Huckleberry Square where she was having lunch with a best friend and next-door neighbor, and smiling so broadly she lit up the place.
She was born and raised in Sunnydale. When the port put in the third runway her family moved to Normandy Park.
She is a graduate of Mt. Rainier High and her daughter Jenny also went there and is now a full-fledged firefighter in Maple Valley.
She and her contractor husband and her neighbor lunch mate now live in Packwood, not far from snowbound White Pass, She loves it up there in spite of the frigid winters, but coming back home to Burien does put a huge grin on her face.
Her philosophy? In spite of her share of problems and sadness, which she does not wish to lament, she has always believed that you just have to grin and bear it.