Well, here we go again. We need to keep our aeronautics at home. Do you really want our men, women and children depending on the French or any other country; after they had taken away our jobs and safety. I would not feel safe, would you?
Don't you think we should get to vote on where tax dollars go? Please write or call your representatives, better yet - call the president. The president is the only one who can stop this. Stop our jobs from going overseas and out of the country. If you don't, everyone will end up on welfare.
Keep our country running with our jobs here at home. Please, let's not repeat the '30s. If you think this is a Depression, you haven't seen anything yet. Picking up grain at the railroad tracks to feed chickens, using coal for heat, picking lettuce to feed ducks and geese, kerosene lanterns because you can't pay the light bill. Oh yes, seen it all!
Kathleen Vogel
Delridge Way