The Washington Legislature has approved legislation that will create a pilot project allowing a small number of grocery stores in Washington to offer beer or wine samples.
"Washington is known throughout the world for the great beers and wines we produce across the state," said Kohl-Welles. "Now grocers will be able to offer samples of these beverages, like specialty wine stores."
The law will allow the Liquor Control Board to administer a one-year pilot project allowing 30 grocery stores around the state to hold up to six wine or beer tastings a year, and only once a month. Customers would be allowed a maximum of two samples, each measuring two ounces. The bill would allow a mix of grocery stores; both chain stores as well as small independent stores to participate.
"The Washington wine and beer industries contribute millions of dollars to our local economy. Highlighting the best of what Washington has to offer will help not only our wineries and breweries but local independent grocery stores as well," Kohl-Welles said.