To the Editor:
I find it funny that Mr. Hoff talks about our Teachers Union as if they are not interested in our children's education and only in lining their pockets.
He suggests that the union only wants to make smaller class sizes so that they can add more "dues" paying teachers.
It has been clearly shown in many studies that smaller class sizes help children to achieve higher test scores, improve student behavior and study techniques that last even after the child is put into a bigger classroom.
So I guess this does affect the quality of education.
And if I'm not mistaken the Union is here to protect the teachers which in turn does benefit our children.
Fighting for higher pay, benefits, planning time and vacations does benefit the children. What kind of teachers will we be able to hire if we cannot be competitive with the rest of the country?
We want high quality teachers that are not overstressed or overburdened and living below the poverty line.
And to say "what does the Union do with the considerable dollars it has collected?" is unfair.
It is very easy to say "Well the Union President doesn't seem to be in poverty!"
In fact Mr. Hoff, I don't know where every penny of the union dues go, and I would bet that neither do you.
But I would sure find out before I started spreading innuendos.
I'm not saying that the union is perfect, and yes, the quality of our children's education is severely lacking, but I hardly think the solution lies solely within the teachers union.
Kandi Woodward
Parent of FWPS Children