Back by popular demand, the Woodstone Credit Union Financial Skills for Life teaches teens the ins and outs of basic financial planning and money management. The free workshop will take place during select Wednesdays in April and May.
It's never to early to teach a kid to balance a check book or begin investing for their financial future.
Due to the popularity and success of its initial offering of Financial Skills For Life program for teens, Woodstone Credit Union is pleased to announce a second series of workshops.
The free financial workshop is designed specifically for teenagers and is the latest in a long history of educational opportunities offered by Woodstone to help students build lifelong financial skills through education.
Financial Skills For Life will teach teens the valuable skills they need for healthy financial futures in a workshop series covering a variety of topics.
"Woodstone is proud of our long-standing commitment to serving teens' financial literacy needs. For many years, our high-school program allowed us to take our educational tools into two of our Federal Way high schools," said Susan Streifel, CEO of Woodstone Credit Union.
"We are thrilled to expand our high school age financial education with our new Financial Skills for Life workshops which will enable us to extend the vital message of fiscal responsibility to teens throughout the area."
Woodstone's free workshop series will equip high school youth with practical yet essential financial skills, which they will be able to use immediately.
The series consists of four sessions and all participants will receive a complimentary workbook. The workshop topics include:
Budgeting-managing spending and saving
* Investing-time value of money and exploring investment options
* Career Choices-education and earning potential
* Money Safety and Security-avoiding identity theft
Upon completing the workshop series, each student will receive a $25 deposit to a new or existing savings account at Woodstone.
The workshops will be held at Woodstone Credit Union's Downtown Branch located at 1825 S. 316th St. in Federal Way on the following dates:
* Wednesday, April 16 3:30pm-5:00pm
* Wednesday, April 30 3:30pm-5:00pm
* Wednesday, May 14 3:30pm-5:00pm
* Wednesday, May 28 3:30pm-5:00pm
Registration is required and space is limited. Please call Sherrie at (253) 925-6879 or (800) 334-9828, ext.879 to register for the Financial Workshop For Teens.