Editor's Note: This letter was addressed to City Councilman Bruce Harrell with a copy to this newspaper.
Thank you for your carefully considered response to the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment regarding the requirement that the city not declare any land surplus until it has been considered for retention as a City Light photovoltaic project. You and your staff have clearly done a lot of research and we appreciate the effort involved. This is good evidence that you are listening to our community.
We are optimistic that solar energy costs will soon be easily competitive with conventional sources, though we question whether a simple cash analysis reflects the true value of implementing this technology. We are also optimistic that a change of administration in Washington D.C. will result in a policy change that will stimulate the research necessary to make alternative technologies common.
We would also like to draw your attention to the Green Collar jobs program. HR 2847, The Green Jobs Act of 2007 has passed the U.S. House of Representatives. This act provides $125 million to provide training, including to people of color, to participate in the new energy world. Please Google Van Jones, an activist in the City of Oakland. http://www.ellabakercenter.org/page.php?pageid=26&contentid=298
For these reasons we encourage you, the City Council, and City Light, to declare a moratorium on the sale of all City Light properties until the time comes when they can be used to make Seattle a leader in alternative energy implementation.
Thank you again for your attention to our community.
Robert Drucker
Vice President
Sunset Hill
Community Association