Need kiosk artists
Tue, 04/01/2008
For the past few years residents of West Seattle and the many community associations here on the peninsula have been working to develop a walking trails system. The map showing these trails will be published soon and distributed throughout West Seattle. Our next step in this walking trails project is the development and installation of way finding kiosks in nearly two dozen locations throughout West Seattle - from Alki to White Center, from Delridge to Lincoln Park, and pretty much all areas in between.
These way finding kiosks will be large street features similar in size to the downtown Metro bus station kiosks. The project is now at a stage where we are considering the incorporation of local art into the design of the kiosks. Each different kiosk would reflect the area it's located in with specific art appropriate to that section of West Seattle.
This brings us to a "Call for Artists."
We are looking for artistic advisors to be part of a panel helping to design, manufacture, and install the way finding kiosks of the West Seattle Trails System. The kiosks are part of a community-led way finding project developing a network of trails throughout the peninsula. Twenty-three kiosks are part of the system to inform users about where they are, what is nearby, local history, and local happenings. Though a common design will flow between all the kiosks (a design using cement, brushed metal, and a space for tiles made of cement or ceramic), each one will be enhanced with artwork and characteristics designed by the local community. The role of the artistic advisers would be to assist in the community charrettes to design the artwork, to advise the fabrication of the artwork, and to advise in or install the final art. A small stipend will be available. This will be a great opportunity to do community work and help produce art the whole peninsula will enjoy.
We could use as few as three artists, and probably no more than five. The artists would not be producing the art, they would be helping the community to produce the art.
Anyone who is an artist, art teacher or professor, or associated with a gallery or art festival as artistic director would qualify. The work will be mostly volunteer work and will occur over a series of citizen meetings expected to be scheduled later this Spring and Summer. Individuals interested in this project are encouraged to contact Chas Redmond at 206.932.6003 or "
Chas Redmond
West Seattle