Highline Community College is requesting nominations for its 2008 Distinguished Alumnus Award.
This year's award again will go to the former Highline student who is making outstanding contributions in his or her chosen field of endeavor.
Nominees should be former Highline students who attended the college prior to the 2003-2004 academic year and have made significant contributions through community service, noteworthy professional achievement and/or recognized leadership.
Nominees will be asked to submit a resume and personal profile that will be reviewed by a campus selection committee.
The person selected will be invited to accept the award and participate in Highline's commencement exercises on June 12.
Nomination forms are available by calling 206-870-3774, e-mailing rstephen@highline.edu or visiting www.funds4highline.org/da.htm.
May 2 is the deadline for submitting nominations.
Former Seattle Mayor Norm Rice, who attended Highline in 1968-69, was the first recipient of the award in 1990. Rice currently serves as the Distinguished Practitioner-in-Residence at the University of Washington's Evans School of Public Affairs.
Last year's recipient was Chris Carrel, executive director of Friends of the Hylebos, a non-profit located in Federal Way dedicated to helping preserve more than 150 acres of Hylebos Creek habitat. Carrel graduated from Highline's economics program in 1984.
Other recipients and their last known positions include:
1991: Wendie K. Harper, former detective for the Tacoma Police Department.
1992: Dr. Michael Hutchins, director and William G. Conway Chair in Conservation and Science at the American Zoo and Aquarium Association.
1993: Joan DuBuque, King County Superior Court judge.
1994: Randy Coplen, the Quincy Group; Phyllis Collier, former Boeing manager.
1995: Scott Crueger, chief photographer for KIRO-TV.
1996: Joan Enticknap, president/COO of HomeStreet Bank.
1997: Veltry Johnson, public information chief for the Washington State Department of Corrections.
1998: Ann Rule, internationally recognized author.
1999: Thomas "Tom" H. Nixon, retired senior vice president of KeyBank.
2000: Terry J. Acena, Seattle Public School District principal.
2001: Dr. William "Perry" Baker, associate professor and biomedical sciences program coordinator at Midwestern University in Glendale, Ariz.
2002: Dr. T. M. Sell, professor of journalism and political science at Highline Community College.
2003: Junki Yoshida, CEO of the Yoshida Group.
2004: Tricia Crozier, chief administrative officer for King County District Court.
2005: Larry Blackstock, director of operations for Northwest Cable News; Maurice Sabado, vice president for technology solutions at Science Applications International Corporation
2006: Ezra Teshome, agent with State Farm Insurance, TIME magazine global health hero.