I recently received from a good friend living in West Seattle, a picture of a woman "re-painting" the Alki Tavern Sign.
I would like to set the record straight: Danielle Bolar is not the artist who painted the original sign on the tavern. I am. My name is Gary Daum and I painted it back in 1978 when Gil and Larry McLynn (brothers) owned the tavern. I am a third generation West Seattlite and still care about the work I did there, even though I don't live there anymore.
It was "re-painted" sometime before Danielle by another sign painter who painted over my name and basically stole my artwork. I would like whoever wrote the caption on the picture to get the facts straight! I do not appreciate others taking my idea and design and changing it and claiming it as their own.
I would like the West Seattle Herald to write a retraction and correction in an upcoming issue of the paper. When the correction is printed in the paper, I would appreciate a copy mailed to me.
Gary Daum
Camano Island