The Highline College Board of Trustees announced last week the five finalists for president of the Des Moines college.
The finalists are:
Thom Armstrong, PhD - former president of Copper Mountain College, Joshua Tree, CA
Jack Bermingham, PhD - interim president of Highline Community College, Des Moines
John Garmon, PhD - chief academic officer of New Mexico State University, Carlsbad, NM
Randall Lawrence - vice president for instruction of Olympic College, Bremerton
Julie Leidig, PhD - vice president and chief academic officer of Montgomery College, Houston, TX
Candidate profiles can be found at
As part of the interview process, community forums are scheduled for each candidate. All forums are open to the public and will be held at 23835 Pacific Highway South, room 131 (building 99):
April 22, 9-9:45am: Garmon
April 25, 2-2:45pm: Bermingham
April 29, 9-9:45am: Leidig
April 30, 2-2:45pm: Armstrong
May 2, 9-9:45am: Lawrence
An appointment by the board is expected in early May 2008.