Editor's Note: This was sent in response to the Sunset Hill Community Association letter about the sale of Webster Playground.
The Seattle School District is having a series of required public meetings on surplus properties that they are planning to sell. Recently the School District held a meeting at the Nordic Heritage Museum to discuss Webster Playground. Many Ballard residents apparently came away from the meeting or heard second hand that there was some risk that Webster Playground might be lost or sold for other purposes.
Nothing could be farther from the truth! The city, Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Seattle School District are all working on a plan for the city to acquire the property and to keep it in park use. In fact the mayor has included, in the already approved 2008 budget, $1 million for that purpose. While the School District's appraisal indicates a higher value, I believe that we will be able to reach an agreement.
I will do my best to keep you informed as we work out the details of this transaction over the next several months.
Tim Gallagher
Seattle Parks and Recreation