The Highline School District's Aviation High School has been selected as one of 23 model high schools for 2008 by the International Center for Leadership in Education.
Principal and CEO Reba Gilman and staff members will join other chosen schools' presenters and share their "best practices" at the 16th Annual Model Schools Conference, June 22-25 in Orlando.
The Highline district administers the school, although students are accepted from throughout the Puget Sound area.
The school moved in September from the Duwamish campus of South Seattle Community College to the district's Olympic site in Des Moines. Plans are underway to build a new campus across from the Museum of Flight in Tukwila.
The school's curriculum centers on aviation-related subjects and work experience with aeronautical businesses.
Aviation was created as part of the district's shift from large high schools to more personalized small learning communities.
The conference is the nation's premier event for K-12 education reform, according to Highline officials.
"Highline Public Schools is honored that Aviation High School has been selected as one of the national model high schools," superintendent John Welch said, " From the start of AHS, we have been proud to offer best practices for teaching and learning to AHS students. It is encouraging that the international center has recognized the effort of the AHS community."
Each year, the conference attracts thousands of educators, interested in exemplary elementary, middle, high schools, and career and technical education programs.
Highline staffers noted model schools are selected annually based on providing all students with rigorous and relevant curriculum, personalized instruction, increased student learning time, parent and community involvement, use of data to make instructional decisions and other best practices.
Case studies prepared by the center on Aviation High and the other model high schools serve as a resource for educators and policy makers.
"We are delighted that this exceptional school will be sharing its best practices, which mirror the international center's mission of providing a rigorous and relevant education for all students," added Willard R. Daggett, center president.
As a model school, Aviation will become a member of the Successful Practices Network. Through the network, Aviation's professional staff will exchange best instructional practices, successful methodologies, and peer support with other member schools.
More than 600 schools from across the nation belong to the network.