Are you as upset?
Showing a woman's crotch on ABC-TV twice during the movie "Chronicles of Narnia" appears to be a deliberate attempt at titillating millions of kids watching Sunday night, 05/04/08 from 8 to 10:30 PM PDT, on KOMO-TV.
How could this have happened? The incident aired in the ABC-TV promo, "Dancing with the Stars", that showed various couples dancing to promote this popular program.
The TV producer, who left a :03 shot of a woman's crotch at the end, is probably laughing all the way to the bank. Monday morning snickers, I'm guessing, abounded in the halls at ABC-TV as their cohorts giggled about the indecent video clip.
Emails, calls to KOMO-TV and ABC-TV have gone unanswered.
Talk about outrageous! It is the epitome of glandular, guttural, smut-filled TV. And to have it happen twice during a children's movie is downright vulgar and lecherous. We should not let ABC-TV and their owners, Disney, get away without a multi-million dollar fine.
Please email the FCC ( and fill out an indecency report. Walt Disney and C. S. Lewis must be turning in their graves.
This is one more reason why mega-owners such as Disney should be disenfranchised from the public airwaves. They just don't give a darn about us or our grandkids!
Bill Wippel
Normandy Park