A brighter, cleaner Crown Hill business district is in the works, now that a city grant has been awarded for improvements in the area.
The city's Office of Economic Development has given the Crown Hill Business Association a $6,000 grant to paint murals, fight graffiti and maintain tree wells.
The association is in discussion with area businesses to decide where the murals will be painted.
"Murals create a positive identification for the neighborhood," said Jack Seifert, a treasurer and Board member of the association.
Seifert said art can be an economic stimulus and the mural will be painted in high visibility areas of Crown Hill.
How the mural will de done and what the designs will be have not been decided.
The association has two to three artists in mind. One possibility is to have the artist do an outline for the mural and have children or adult volunteers paint them. The artists could do the final touch up.
The grant will also pay for a graffiti cart, similar to those used at the Shilshole Marina to shuttle items back and forth.
Currently, Seifert and community volunteers use his pick up truck to carry paint during graffiti work parties.
The graffiti cart can be attached to a bike and towed around.
Seifert calls the graffiti cart, the Crown Hill Graffiti Ranger. The cart will provide a visible presence so people can see the anti-graffiti efforts at work.
"Graffiti is something we are always up against," said Seifert.
The third aspect of the grant is to maintain the tree wells on sidewalks, which have become filled with litter and weeds.
The tree wells will be landscaped and flower bulbs will be planted, along with mulch.
All the work would be done during the spring and summer with completion in September.