I am sure people reading the Highline Times are tired of my letters to the editor, but what happened over the weekend in King County's Lakewood Park, I wish to shout from the rooftops.
The restrooms in the park were closed from July 2007 for remodeling until they were opened Friday, 5/9/2008. On Saturday--the next day--the men's restroom's just freshly painted interior walls were covered with graffiti scribbling.
Also on Saturday, students did a marvelous job painting murals on the lower picnic shelter covering the wooden support posts and the concrete blocks support walls.
You guessed it-- today the concrete floor of this picnic shelter is covered with graffiti scribbling.
King County needs to be more aggressive in resolving this costly, degrading problem for the community, instead of providing excuses.
A county employee, that lives in the park house located within Lakewood Park, receives many perks feel is part of that person's responsibility to help control this undesirable condition.
A suggestion--notify our King County councilman's office or King County's parks director as this problem of graffiti is wide spread without a resolution in sight.
Dick Thurnau
North Highline