I don't understand why the administration at West Seattle High School decided to change from 55- and 85-minute classes to 50- and 80-minute classes. There was a schedule posted on the school Web site that showed six 55-minute classes on Monday and Friday, and four 85-minute classes on Tuesday - Thursday. Suddenly this has changed to shorter classes all of the days. Why?
First the teachers were upset that they were losing the long periods, and now they want even shorter ones? I am afraid that in their upset at losing the four-period day, staff is making sure the new schedule won't work. Why not lengthen our school day? It is not a coincidence that the two schools with the longest days (Garfield and Roosevelt) also have the highest test scores.
I applaud the attempt to pay special attention to the incoming ninth graders with a "homeroom" time after this year's group posted the worst grades ever. Perhaps, however, the school should reinstate ninth grade honors and so attract a wider range of abilities to the school. Serious students are increasingly picking Sealth, and this is a shame.
West Seattle High School has very many excellent teachers - why aren't they all allowed to work toward the best for the students? I want West Seattle High to be the first choice for my neighbors, and shortening the school day is not a step towards that.
Laura Sinai