Thank you for your politically proactive response from Dow Constantine ("Public safety cuts are necessary" June 16). For six of the seven paragraphs in the column Constantine or his staff lay out the "problems." I appreciate the stomachache. I can always use another. "We need to do this." "We need to do that." Your three-quarter page of free press is nothing new to us. We like to feel we know the problems.
The closing paragraph at the end of Constantine's political diatribe suggests ". . .cooperation between all levels of government, the reform of antiquated tax and health care systems, and a commitment to efficiency measures. . . ."
With all due respect, sir, what does that mean? Your final comments are vague and self-serving to this constituent in your district. Nice job reminding us of the problems. Let's see as much ink on solutions and less on the problems we're already aware of.
Joe Quinn
Gatewood Hill