Tina Orwall was nominated by Shay Schual-Burke for the state representative position that Shay is vacating. That nomination from Shay is a strong vote of confidence as Shay has guided the governor and the legislature in passage of outstanding bi-partisan medical, senior and school legislation for this state.
Tina is well known behind the scenes in affordable housing, getting families back on their feet, health care, school and environmental issues in addition to a growing understanding of the problems of senior citizens.
I was with her when a senior women she doorbelled told Tina that she was living on a $48 per month pension.
Tina has an understanding of the impact on the criminal justice system related to the severity of the 30% drop out rate in our schools. The importance of decent jobs in decent working conditions for all. The impact of the recession on smaller businesses.
She is very polite, intelligent, says nothing bad about her opponent.
Tina sincerely asks how she can help YOU, even if you don't vote.
Dan Caldwell
Des Moines