The developers of the proposed Emerald Pointe on the Sound have made some major assumptions about the use of property they do not own or have access to.
Their representative, Robert Thorpe, has consistently stated that he has communicated with the neighbors of the property and that they are cooperating with Westmark in this endeavor.
The Sound Vista Condominium Association of Owners has received no communication from Westmark or any representative of theirs regarding easements or any other subject.
Mr. Thorpe did stop us in the hallway after public meetings on two occasions and both times was told that Sound Vista is not interested in granting any easements for retaining wall tiebacks or for a sewer tie-in. In spite of this, Mr. Thorpe has continued to represent that these easements were forthcoming.
The purpose of this letter is to set the record straight once and for all to all concerned parties. The Sound Vista Condominium Association of Homeowners WILL NOT consider or grant any easements into, onto, or across their property. Any representation or suggestion to the contrary is false and should be disregarded.
Terri Lien
Catherine M. Aldridge
Past President