This evening as I was trying to make my way from bank to post office to home, I began to wonder if there was any street in Burien without an orange cone or barrel.
I'm sure this is good news to the cone manufacturer, but what does it do to the city's sense of community?
I live between two construction sites, one of them with hours from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. That doesn't leave much time for me to enjoy the sanctity of my "castle", although it is marginally better than the 24 hour a day "beep, beep, beep" of the third runway trucks.
I've long since given up trying to use 1st Avenue South (two hundred dollars to replace a punctured tire), and now every side street seems to be dug up, graded, or just plain closed.
I'm sure the city council would call this progress, and I don't mean to sound like an old codger opposed to change.
Well paced construction that eventually gets completed is to be expected and welcomed.
But Burien seems to talk a lot about what a great place this is going to be at some point in the future; meanwhile, those of us who currently live here must suffer the consequences of added travel time, destroyed personal property, and VERY frayed nerves.
Burien-If It Doesn't Break You, You'll Love It!
Lisa Cochran