The City of SeaTac has caused its own problems regarding tree retention and now taking it out on the citizens. There has been a loophole in the SeaTac code that allows for avoiding tree retention policies when subdividing which basically permits clear cutting of a property if done prior to subdivision application.
This loophole went unused/undiscovered until SeaTac planning administrators began to impose severe replacement penalties, covenants, and other restrictions on developers who removed a tree after application. This miraculously included bonds for keeping trees healthy that were planted off site for three years.
These un-codified policies began being imposed about three years ago, hence the recent clearing cutting prior to subdivision application.
Now, in their infinite wisdom, the city planners, with the endorsement of council members, want to impose severe tree retention restrictions on ALL subdividable property, regardless of whether it is being subdivided or not.
The current draft (12 pages) is full of new restrictions, arborist requirements, and covenants that will mar the title of property owners.
This has been going on now since October of 2007 with conservatively 7 drafts, 10 meetings and a raucous city council meeting on the 24th of June with many citizens warming up their chainsaws.
I have sat in many of these meetings and wistfully thought of how many trees could have been planted with all that time and money spent and, instead of saving trees, the trees will be falling like toothpicks should this be adopted.
Many words come to mind while watching this train wreck. Ineptitude of the planning department is the kindest one that describes what is transpiring.
Earl Gipson