This letter is in response to one published by the Times/News on Wednesday, July 30, signed by Terri Lien, president, and Catherine M. Aldridge, past president, Sound Vista Condominium Association of Owners.
This is an attempt to correct some misconceptions or errors in facts in the letter in the July 20 Times/News concerning easements relative to the proposed Westmark condominium project.
First, the tieback for the Westmark project requiring easements. The Westmark design team architects, civil and structural engineers, landscape architects, in the preferred alternative (i.e., 176 Units) have placed the buildings so no easements are required of any surrounding properties.
Second, Sewer Easements. Westmark is not proposing any easements over Sound Vista Condominium property. In an endeavor to be "good neighbors." representatives of Westmark indicated to representatives of Sound Vista that they were willing to "over size" their sewer pump station to insure that there were not problems in the existing facility during peak storms for the Sound Vista sewer lift station and lines that carry the effluent easterly (uphill) on the northern perimeter of the property. .
Note: Westmark has agreed to provide new water line, sewer line (gravity feed to west, or alternatively, pump to Ambaum Blvd.), walkways, street trees and joint landscaping for the development of the Highline Mental Health (HMH) facility to the west of its subject property, at no expense to HMH or the Highline School District (HSD). This represents a significant public benefit at no cost to HMH or HSD, with upgrading of roads, water, sewer, walkways, and landscaping in the area.
The purpose of this letter is to set our record straight:
1. We do not propose any tieback easement to Sound Vista or any other surrounding property, for building or access road.
2. We are not requesting, nor have we easements for the purpose of sewer access across Sound Vista property. Existing rights of way will provide for the construction of those facilities.
3. Mr. Thorpe has not continued to represent that these easements were forthcoming.
I trust the above facts will clarify this misunderstanding which came about in Westmark's endeavors to work with their neighbors to provide a quality development and minimize impact on the land uses and residents. I, and the Westmark Owners (the Sayanis and Dobsons) are still willing to meet with Sound Vista representatives to discuss/clarify any questions they may have.
Robert W. Thorpe, AICP
For Westmark Development