Thanks for your article in the West Seattle Herald, "City Council Raises Taxes" (Aug. 6, editorial). I especially appreciated the line about how "our concerns are not addressed by too many in leadership in this city, only the needs of government are considered."
Every week I read or hear another story about out of control credit card interest, record profits for oil companies, or mortgage executives who are not held responsible for the mess they created. The middle class is shouldering too much of the burden - who looks out for us? Not the government, and certainly not big businesses that take our money.
I don't usually get involved in politics because I'm too busy working, raising a family and living up to my responsibilities. I'm outraged at the .20 "fee" we all have to pay for the use of a grocery bag in Seattle, and then the increased water and garbage fees to follow.
Unlike our government or big corporate executives, I'm concerned about my neighbors who really struggle day to day to pay their bills. They shut up and pay because what's the alternative? Really, who looks out for us? I would like to know. I would appreciate your recommendations on how I can get involved - and I don't mean e-mailing my congressperson or local political person. What groups are out there who are doing something about this? Any watchdog groups or people who are informing us (like you) about what we can do? I'm tired of passively accepting yet another fee or rate hike or "service charge."
Until then, I'll be hording my bags, getting out my big scarf and shuffling to the market with the rest of the babushkas.
Thanks again for your article.
Rebecca Smith
West Seattle