WEEDS AND LITTER GET THEIR GOATS. Nancy Driver, Sharonn Meeks, Catherine Barker and Dixie Dokken are coordinating the "West Seattle Clean Up Project" for Saturday, Sept. 13, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. They will employ 220 goats and seek 220 human volunteers to clear weeds and litter on the west side of the Fauntleroy exit ramp of the West Seattle Bridge between the "Walking on Logs" sculptures to 35th Avenue Southwest. To volunteer or help with a donation, contact: ndriver@quidnunc.net or phone 933-8204.
<b>Photo by Steve Shay</b>
Four West Seattle citizens are working to corral nearly 220 professional goats and 220 volunteer humans for a weed, blackberry and trash clean-up along the west side of the Fauntleroy exit ramp of the West Seattle Bridge between those "Walking on Logs" statues and 35th Avenue Southwest.
Nancy Driver, Dixie Dokken, Sharonn Meeks, and Catherine Barker are fundraising and coordinating the nuts and bolts of the Saturday, Sept. 13 "West Seattle Gateway Clean Up Project" with help from the Seattle Department of Transportation, the Admiral Neighborhood and Fairmount Community associations, the Southwest District Council, the Clean and Green program, and the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods via coordinator Stan Lock. Also the West Seattle Mars Hill Church promises nearly 100 congregant volunteers and some supplies.
The $10,000 - $12,000 price tag will be raised through private donations and from area merchants.
"It's a bit embarrassing when family and friends visit from out of town and see this, which is at the entrance to West Seattle," said Driver. "I mean, West Seattle is a real nice community and there's trash and weeds and stuff out there." Driver and Meeks belong to the Fairmount Community Association. The overgrown area also gets Dokken's goat.
"It's really disgusting," said Dokken, former executive director of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce. "This is just a beginning point. We as a community need to keep this area clean. I am hoping a group will become an 'Adopt a Highway' sponsor here."
The clean up begins at 9 a.m. According to Driver, the city will block off the lane adjacent to the site for six hours and will provide three trucks to haul off green debris and bagged litter. The city will also provide rakes and garbage bags.
For information on volunteering or donating, e-mail Nancy Driver at: ndriver@quidnunc.net or call 933-8204.