Why, oh why, must you devote a page each week to Peggy Sturdivant's reminiscing about THE EAST COAST? This is the BALLARD News-Tribune, not the Nantucket News, last time I checked. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands of people in Ballard who grew up here, went to school here, and still live here who are actually out and about the streets of Ballard, who might have something interesting to report. If we want to read about the East Coast, we'll buy THEIR newspapers. The Ballard News-Tribune used to be filled with interesting community events, weddings, the records and photos of things going on in the schools and with new businesses, the Chamber of Commerce, all the fraternal organizations, etc. I know, because I have issues going back to the 1910's. I'm sure your readership (and by extension, your advertisers) might like to see some hometown news...that is, OUR hometown, BALLARD.
Julie Pheasant-Albright
Sunset Hill