Law not enforced
Mon, 09/22/2008
(Editor's Note: This letter was addressed to Mr. Larry Phillips, county councilman. A copy was sent to the West Seattle Herald.)
King County Parks and our King County Executive do not seem to comply or recognize King Counties Ordinance 6798 Chapter 7.12.640 (Alcohol is prohibited in King County Parks.) And 7.12.642 (Intoxication) the question is why is this ordinance not enforced?
One area of concern is Lakewood Park/Hicks Lake located near White Center next door to Cascade Middle and Evergreen High Schools. Have noticed our executive and Parks Dept. by letters, e-mail for the past many years plus verified with photograph, in fact I have a whole notebook full of photos showing alcohol containers found in garbage cans. Sure a few beers no problem but finding 87 empties (photo enclosed in original letter) in one garbage can is rather excessive plus finding upwards of 30 or 40 empties in other garbage cans should sound an alarm.
It is very upsetting they offer only poor excuses such as call 911, first that is an emergency phone number and should be used only for the purposes of emergencies, second Sheriff Department priorities have to give accidents, drugs, burglaries and many other crimes a much higher priority for their investigation plus the time factor to execute response time, makes that excuse impractical (passing the buck comes to mind).
Using such excuses not only devastates our faith in county government also it is the opposite recommendation from 911 operators they recommend calling local sheriff precincts in non-emergencies. Another excuse they use stating the Parks Department does not have authorization (which is true we have been told) though they are the keepers of the park system which leaves a wide open area for this illegal and other illegitimate activities.
So where and who does this responsibility belong? Police or maintenance crews cannot be on premises full time. The county employee living in the park house receiving numerous perks, schedule is 10 hour days at a different location so nobody to guard the fox from the chicken house.
The many students from the neighboring schools that frequent this park noting this illegal activity gives the young students minds a poor image to follow. And leads to crimes starting as Graffiti and these teenagers finding no enforcement allows them to go on to larger and further crimes.
Also finding all these empty alcohol containers makes you wonder how fit to drive are these drivers leaving Lakewood Park in their vehicles.
Suggestion for resolutions have a full time maintenance employee (caretaker) occupy the Lakewood Park house this person's presence would provide a deterrent and cost effective measure plus having duties of maintaining the park, Evergreen athletic fields and swim pool all located in this one area. This person on the premises would help control other associated problems such as costly, degrading problems such as graffiti, vandalism and litter to name a few costly, uncontrolled concerns in King County's 30-plus acre Lakewood Park/Hicks Lake. Another plus giving this person responsibility for this one are would promote a sense of pride an accomplishment that would boost work habits and a feeling for this person of a great achievement. A win-win situation for all. The flagrant use of illegal alcohol usage, vandalism, and litter does not encourage residents and families with small children to utilize these large under used park facilities.
I am asking you if you would take a good look at this problem and take proper measures to rectify. Please let King County constituent's voices be heard.
Dick Thurnau
White Center