My wife and I have lived in Ballard for a year now so I thought I might reflect on life in Ballard from a newcomer's perspective. We lived on three and a half acres in Pierce County for 40 years. Needless to say our move last year to Ballard was a drastic change, but for the better.
A subscription to the Ballard News-Tribune immediately gave us great local news and we especially like the Community Calendar for places to go to things to do.
Yes, we are condo owners now and we love it. Sorry you Condo Haters but we leave a much smaller footprint than you. We are happy to walk many places, people are friendly, and most drivers are very aware of pedestrians and bicycles. We have become "Green Seattle Folks," recycling when ever possible and carrying cloth shopping bags.
We eat out in a fantastic variety of restaurants, drink coffee in every coffee shop we can, patronize the Bay Theater, shop in unique bookstores, basically spend our dollars here in Ballard.
As for government services we are still learning. The bus service is good (drivers are pleasant and most go out of their way to serve riders). The parks are clean and fun. The library services are outstanding! The wonderful Burke-Gilman Trail gets used by us a lot but the "Missing Link" is a disaster ready to happen (I had a spill there just last week).
Our biggest complaint would be the poor condition of roads/streets. Potholes, broken asphalt and concrete are certainly a hazard for walkers, bikers and autos.
Friends and family ask me how can I survive moving from three and a half acres to 1,000 square feet. Just fine I say, I've mowed the grass, raked the leaves, tended the garden and orchard for 40 years and got very good at it. I don't need any more practice.
Here in Seattle I can go to the parks, beaches, or pea patches if I need to hug the dirt. Also, there are such a wide variety of places to spend your time volunteering. We enjoy Ballard and look forward to many more years of "City Life"
Roy and Sandra Bueler