The importance of voting in the next general election is critical to the future of our country and our world. I am sending this to everyone on my e-mail list, both men and women, dems and r's and encouraging you to get out and vote! I am personally voting for Obama/Biden and there is no other choice for me.
If McCain and Palin win I will move to Canada. I already pay taxes in a country where I can't pursue my happiness and get married and I would like to get married and have it mean something in every state in the union. I don't think that it is fair or right of my government to do this to me.
I am very concerned about the way that several members of the press were treated at the Republican Convention (see to view the brutal dragging treatment of Amy Goodman, award-winning syndicated news journalist) and this needs to be investigated.
I support Congressman Jim McDermott's plea to impeach President George W. Bush. Please vote the democratic ticket in the next election. It is our only hope. God bless you and may God bless America and our precious planet earth.
Liz Latham