Meet Al Book
This model was built "by the book."
Al Book, a renowned Burien welder, not only builds model racing cars, he also builds the garage.
But this Burien craftsman is a lot more than just a gifted guy who grabs countless spare hours from earning a living as a welder.
As I sat chatting with him about his obsession, a customer walked in with a broken spring from his office chair.
An easy fix, Al can weld or braise steel silver, copper or aluminum and has an estimated 30 race cars he works on that will go into display cases.
Meet Sally Ganong
Two old friends meet at Burien Farmer 's Market. Elsbeth Robinson, at left, lived next door to Sally Ganong in Fentonwood for 12 years.
Sally is the daughter of now deceased Ralph Malone, founder of West Side Ford who in 1920 sold Model T Fords at Seahurst Garage, the Southern terminus of the Toonerville Trolley line.
Meet Jan Norrda
Jan Norrda, Burien architect was sharing some fresh watermelon with friend Tyler Davis at the Burien Farmers Market when the Highline Times camera guy came by.
Tyler lives in the Top Hat district of North Highline.
Meet Mike DeLeon
Mike DeLeon, owner and operator of Burien's Fish Market in Olde Burien for many years, happily shared a slice of watermelon at the Farmer's Thursday market.
The market was not far from his store, now home of Goody Goody Gumdrops.
He worked for Dad all through high school and even worked on weekends while going to the U of W.