Katherine Kertzman, program director for Seattle Southside Visitor Services, was appointed by Gov. Christine Gregoire to the Washington State Tourism Commission on Oct. 9.
Kertzman is currently the president of the Washington Association of Convention and Visitor Bureaus and leads a staff of four at Seattle Southside, the tourism office for the cities of Tukwila, SeaTac, Kent and Des Moines.
The 19-member commission was appointed by the Governor in August 2007 and provides strategic direction to the tourism office and the state Department of Community Trade and Economic Development and will help coordinate a statewide program for tourism development.
Kertzman began the City of Tukwila's tourism and marketing program in 1999, which later became Seattle Southside in 2002, encompassing four cities.
Prior to that she was principal of Kertzman Associates, a design and marketing firm.
Her work while a department head for Highline Community Hospital helped develop a comprehensive women's health care programs from Des Moines to West Seattle.