NEW DIGS FOR THE GREEN GROCER. <b>Graphics courtesy of Johnston Architects</b>
Johnston Architects revealed three possible design schemes Oct. 27 for new development on the plot of land at Northwest 64th Street and 32nd Avenue Northwest that currently houses the Sunset Hill Greenmarket.
Scheme 1 calls for leaving the current building untouched and building a new structure set back 10 feet. Scheme 2 attaches a new structure to the existing building. Scheme 3 would tear down the existing structure and replace it with an entirely new building.
The current building is two stories and about 28 feet in height. The zoning on that block would allow for at least 34-foot-tall buildings.
At Monday's design review meeting, where a city-appointed board reviews mixed-use developments, the public expressed a love for the food supply store, also known as the "Green Grocer," though no specific affinity for the building that houses it. The building, which according the building manager needs improvement, is located at 6405 32nd Ave. N.W.
According to the developer, it is important that the Green Grocer be able to remain at the location no matter what scheme is chosen. The above designs do not reflect how large any new structures would be or how they would look, only the largest dimensions possible under zoning regulations.
Michael Harthorne can be reached at 783-1244 or