(The) letter implying that No One Cares (Nov. 5) was both offensive and disturbing.
This historic election and the Obama victory has confirmed that America does care. We care that thousands of our brave soldiers died or been maimed over a needless Iraq War and tens of thousands of Iraqis have died. We care that our foreign policy puts special interests ahead the well being of the poor and abused.
We care that our health care system is broken, which leaves the elderly and young without the medical care they need to live healthy lives. We care that this current economic system rewards big Wall Street investors and ignores the growing financial strains of the middle class. We care that our public school system enacts higher standards, but then does not give teachers to resources to help our children succeed.
Thank you Mr. Bush and Ms. Kanyer for finally waking up the rest of us to the sad reality we are in. Mr. Obama once said that "We are the change that we seek." Every time I look at my Obama bumper sticker, it will remind me of what we as a nation strived for in 2008.
I've pledged to do my part in donating my time and resources to making this country into a better place for us Americans and the rest of the world. I hope you can do the same.
Pedro DeGuzman
West Seattle