In this week's Times/News there was a letter from Mr. Gooding praising the election of Obama/Biden, who will completely solve the current economic crises, and a snide remark about Sarah Palin and Mr. Gooding's hope she will run for President in 2012, which will, of course, mean another defeat for the Republicans or words to that effect.
Recently on the news there were clips of those in the teenage to twenty or thirty-somethings who had voted for Obama, who were very uninformed on current events, had never heard of William Ayers, or the spread the wealth doctrine, and other hot button issues of the recent campaign.
But, they did know who Sarah Palin is. Now this tells us a lot of the hype that surrounded Obama and the type of people who voted for him.
I never vote for Democrats for high office and this election has cast in concrete that ongoing decision.
Sarah is more moral and experienced than Obama, but since he is in, we need to pray for his success, especially in areas regarding this country's security.
But wishing success does not necessarily apply to the rest of his agenda, for which I wish anything but success.
The next four years will be very interesting.
Phil Stanat
Des Moines