In September, Camp Long played host to a huge work party organized by NAIOP (National Association of Industrial and Office Properties, a trade association for real estate and development companies) as one of its community enhancement projects. Every year, NAIOP gives back to the community through its Community Enhancement Committee. This year, the committee chose Camp Long. Citizens and park users are grateful to NAIOP for giving so generously, even when the economy has become difficult. Even members of NAIOP who lost their jobs because of the real estate downturn continued to give of their time and money. In a time of many needs, this show of support is exemplary. For all this, our community is truly grateful.
A big part of the day was spent working on the trails. Trails require constant maintenance, but they enhance our forest by keeping people on a track, which preserves the plants and forest around them. The trails give us city folk a place to walk in nature that we have set aside for our mental and physical well-being. NAIOP helped rebuild a bridge, put in a re-routed section of trail where erosion issues were plaguing the ravine, and re-surfaced about half of the trails in the park.
We always need volunteers to work on our trails. While NAIOP made a big dent in the upkeep of the trail system, Green Seattle Partnership ( and Seattle Parks and Recreation's Trails Program ( have adopted Camp Long for the next year or two to get the rest of the trails in good shape.
Come out to one of their work parties or volunteer your service organization to help continue the good work that has been accomplished. Pam Gluck, the Executive Director of American Trails, says, "Remember, you aren't just 'building trails,' you are 'building community. If you have only called yourself a trail builder, you have sold yourself short."
Camp Long Trails Restoration Work Party
Saturday, December 20 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
Project: Help us maintain the legacy that is Camp Long's forest and trail system. Bring water, please! Tools and gloves will be provided.
Sponsor: Parks Trail Program and Green Seattle Partnership
Meet at: The main parking lot off of SW Dawson St., look for "Trails Project Here sign".
Contact: Jacobo Jimenez, 206-684-0598 or