Green Gift Giving Ideas. The rocking chair is approximately 2 inches tall.
This gift-giving season is suddenly done-gone-green hasn't it?
Are you wondering how to go about getting a little green into your life, without spending a lot of green? Here are some ideas to help you get started viva la vida verde (living the green life.)
First idea: Think small. Get a small plant to live by your phone. You can grow it on for years to come, it is easier on the pocketbook, and it is right beside the phone so you can never forget about it. Whenever you make or answer a call, you'll see your darling, new friend and tend to it. Note the light requirements next to your phone though, and make sure to get a plant that would love to live there first.
Second idea: Go for what you like. When looking for a plant to start with, notice what you are attracted to naturally. Do cacti have a special place in your heart? Are the miniature conifers starting to call to you, when you walk by them planted in containers or in garden beds? If you go for what you are naturally attracted to, you will be more inclined to dote on it when you get home.
Third: Play the numbers game. If you're the kind of person who buys a plant, and forgets to water it, here is a simple solution: buy more! If you have just one plant hanging around your condo, and you're "not a plant person" but want to be, chances are, you will be more likely to forget about it. But, if you have a few plants, five or six of them, it will be harder to forget about them because there are more of them, and they will be more noticeable and you’ll tend to them naturally.
Fourth: Pick a day, any day. Sundays are good days for plant maintenance, or your day off. There is nothing like the peace and serenity in doing a little watering and misting while having your morning coffee with Vivaldi playing in the background. Tres elegant, non?
And lastly: Make it cute or pretty. Place a miniature bench or birdbath beside it to crank up the cute factor and it will be an eye magnet. Hang a miniature birdhouse from one of the branches. Lay some miniature gravel down for a quick and easy mini patio or path and you're done. If it's charming and sweet, you will remember to take care of it.
Now you can go green with a little green and stay green too. Viva la Vida Verde!
Visit Janit's Web site; Her online store is, 206-352-0494.