908 N.W. 51st St.
Contact: Dan Duffus, 282-9270
Project 3009238
An application has been submitted to the city to allow four residential units of cottage housing. Surface parking for five vehicles to be provided. Review includes future unit lot subdivision. Existing single family residence to remain, for a total of five residential units.
No environmental review is required.
7219 Greenwood Ave. N.
Contact: Meredith Wirsching, 782-8208
Project: 3006027
An appeal will be held on Jan. 9 to repeal a decision to allow a 364 square foot expansion of an existing grocery store Ken's Market), change the use of a 5,601 square foot portion of existing retail building to grocery store (1st floor) and add a 2,640 square feet to the second story for offices. One additional parking space to be provided at 7301 Greenwood Ave. N.
6010 Phinney Ave. N.
Contact: Todd Holec of Kilburn Architects, 682-5211
Project 3006773
A land-use application has been submitted to the Department of Planning and Development to allow a four-story building containing 2,755 square feet of commercial at ground level with 19 residential units above.
Parking for 23 vehicles to be provided below grade within the structure. Existing structure to be demolished.
The project requires a review by the Northwest Design Review Board and an environmental review.
5500 Phinney Ave N
Contact: Robert Kiker, 443-8606
Project 3009221
The Woodland Park Zoo has applied for permits with the city to build three new one-story structures: A 2,140 suare-foot ticket office and restrooms; a 998 square foot visitor assistance structure; and a 5,620 square foot retail and storage building with public restrooms.
The project includes 48,640 square feet of landscaping and site improvements.
No environmental review required.
Check permit status of projects at http://web1.seattle.gov/DPD/permitstatus/.