The Herald's front page news on Nov. 10th "Park Causes Sparks To Fly" gave top billing to Christine Bartels. Voicing her opinion for the proposed changes to California Place Park in the North Admiral neighborhood, she states "We spend time in every playground that isn't in the area and it would be nice to have one close to home." Well she, her husband and 2 children reside and own a home on Lanham Pl. SW in Highpoint. Well California Avenue Southwest and Hill Street is real close to home uh? I would say maybe 7 miles? This plus Sara Airhart (South Seattle Community College resident) spoke out in support of a playground in the North Admiral Park at the Nov. 6th "Public Workshop" meeting at Hiawatha Community Center. And a very verbal Wallingford resident who spends much time supporting the playground. This is evidence that Friends and Neighbors of North Admiral (FANNA) the playground proponents, are having to look outside the neighborhood for support. Who will speak for the North Admiral neighborhood regarding changes to our beloved California Place Park. The 550+ **NO CHANGE TO PARK** supporters live in North Admiral and they have a very large voice. They need to be heard. " No Change to California Place Park."
Jan Bailey and Dennis Ross