You probably have noticed that The Highline Times has recently run a couple of articles about the Third Runway at Sea-Tac Airport, and how many of the airport neighbors in surrounding cities are feeling "duped" because we were told (promised) that the runway was to be used as an alternate to the existing two in inclement weather, and now, it is obvious that it is being used daily.
The Port has even admitted that it "will be used 365 days a year."
I personally also believe that they are using it for takeoffs as well.
Having spent over 20 years in the airline business, much of which was flown in and out of Sea-Tac, I can tell when an aircraft flies over my house (directly west of the runways, near Lake Burien), whether or not it is in a take off pattern, or landing (the latter is highly unlikely).
For at least two or three nights in a week lately, I have been awakened at 2 a.m. by a low flying, loud aircraft flying directly over our neighborhood.
I am convinced that this was a takeoff, and not a landing, and that the third runway was used, and the aircraft vectored in a left turn after take off.
I also believe that it had to be general aviation, or some kind of small, piston-type or turbo-prop aircraft, due to the noise factor.
I could not go back to sleep for hours after being awakened, and was plenty mad.
The next day, I called the "noise hotline" and got (of course) a recording, telling me to leave a message. I left a very detailed message, giving the time, location, and also the fact that both my husband and I are long-time airline employees (retired now) and know a lot about the operations of Sea-Tac Airport. I stated that I expected a call back.
A few days later, I received a form letter of no substance whatsoever, not addressing my allegations at all.
It is quite obvious that 2 a.m. is not, by any means, within the "allowable" hours as set forth by the port, and apparently by the FAA.
Now, I see that FAA air traffic controllers have stated that they "are trained to use the third runway as much as they want to" and that they are using it in all kinds of weather, not necessarily inclement conditions.
This is a very important matter involving all of us who live and work in the neighboring communities, and it is of great importance that we know of the progress (or not) being made in controlling the Port and the FAA in their egregious use of the third runway.
Alice Crawford