The real estate market has turned as cold as the weather around the country, but in Federal Way an enterprising group of college kids found the time and inclination to build an igloo. With rudimentary knowledge; mostly from pictures they'd seen, these young people set about to create their northwest version. Starting with a blanket of snow in their front yard, the system involved
stuffing recycle bins with plenty of hard packed snow one shovel at a time. For several hours they toiled, sloping the blocks ever so slightly inward on each row. They reached the keystone block around 7 p.m. and placed a makeshift flag on top. One of the young men claimed it was his finest hour, or maybe it was his finest 6 hours.
What to do now? Sell it was their first thought. Since real estate is all about location, location, location they neglected to factor in a movable foundation so it will sit. While it remains ready for occupancy, it is doubtful the there will be any takers. Once the market heats up, the home will disappear. I wish them mukluk.